Isaiah 29:17-24Psalm 27: 1-6, 17-18 Matthew 9: 27-31 When I was in grade 5, I visited my grandmother and attended church with her. That afternoon, she became an “optician” and reported to my mother: “This
Isaiah 26:1-6 Psalm 118:19-24 Matthew 7:21-27 The readings and the psalm have one thing in common, “the gate of the Lord.” Believing in the salvation from the Lord seems paramount to our own salvation. The
Wednesday, November 30, 2022 Isaiah 25: 6-9Psalm 23Matthew 15: 29-39 These passages talk about how God gives us hope by comforting us. God comforts us in a way that is part of our daily life.
Isaiah 11:1-10Psalm 72: 1-8 Luke 10:21-24 Scholars differ as to whether Isaiah 11 is a messianic prediction or whether it suggests a continuation of the Davidic dynasty. Regardless, it is one of my favourite Advent
Isaiah 4:2-6 Psalm 122 Matthew 8:5-13 Isaiah 4:2-6, seems to me to be an overwhelming blessing of compassionate love from God. In general, it describes a perfect shelter from the wickedness of destructive
Isaiah 2:1-5 Psalm 122 Romans 13:11-14 Matthew 24:36-44 Advent is again upon us. Why do we keep Advent year after year? There has to be more to it than what we hear in scripture
Upon the death ofHer Late Majesty Elizabeth the Second by the Grace of God of the United Kingdom, Canada and Her other Realms and TerritoriesQueen, Head of the Commonwealth, Defender of the Faith It is