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Wednesday, November 30, 2022

The Christ of the Breadlines
Eichenberg, Fritz (American illustrator, printmaker, and engraver, 1901-1990)

Wednesday, November 30, 2022

Isaiah 25: 6-9
Psalm 23
Matthew 15: 29-39

These passages talk about how God gives us hope by comforting us. God comforts us in a way that is part of our daily life. This comfort is available to all of us always.

It is a very human, but Divinely inspired, reaction to want to reach out and comfort those who are suffering and to seek out comfort ourselves as we struggle.  It is no mistake that these passages contain food and meal sharing. We bring food to comfort those who are grieving or recovering from illness. We cook “comfort” food when we are homesick or just need more than nutritional sustenance but emotional as well. We gather around the dinner table to share our day and support each other for the next one.  We are the hands of Christ when we provide hugs, meals, or a shoulder to cry on. This comfort gives people hope for a better future enabling them to see light at the end of the tunnel.  We also receive comfort when we cry on God’s “shoulder” in prayer and when we nourish ourselves with the “comfort” food of familiar and favourite scripture, such as Psalm 23.  This comforting gives us renewed hope for a better day.  Thanks be to God.

Nancy Scott