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Creative Musings from the Convent

The Best Way to Get There is to Start

Sister Doreen’s Reflections It was my morning coffee Splenda that again sparked my ponderings today with the message ‘the best way to get there is to start’. It was Walt Disney who said: “The way

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Why Do You Worry?

Sister Doreen’s Reflections The July Anglican Church of Canada Calendar scripture reflection. “And why do you worry about clothes? See how the flowers of the field grow. They do not labor or spin.” (Matthew 6:28)

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Leave a Little Sparkle Wherever You Go

Sister Doreen’s Reflections Today as I opened the Splenda package to stir it into my decaf-coffee, this message “leave a little sparkle wherever you go” created such a smile and a challenge!  It made me

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Unconditional Acceptance

Sister Doreen’s Reflections How are you preparing a home of unconditional acceptance for yourself? In one of Richard Rohr’s daily medications there was a quoted question by Felicia Murrell that is the title of this

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Create your Own Sunshine!

Sister Doreen’s Reflections One of the smiling discoveries of some profound encouragement for reflection has been the little packages of Splenda … and the message written on the backside of the package. Today as I

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We Need an Eraser!

Sister Doreen’s Reflections “Only the hand that erases can write the true thing.” (Meister Eckhart) I began to read Dag Hammarskjold’s book called “Markings” again after a long time had passed since my first reading

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Nothing – Not One Thing

May Anglican Church Calendar theme “All Things Created” reflection. The Message translation of the month of May Church Calendar scripture theme: John 1:3 “Everything was created through God: nothing – not one thing! – came

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She Flies On

Sister Doreen’s Reflections Jesus said;: “And when the Holy Spirit comes on you, you will be able to be my witnesses … to the ends of the world.” (Acts 1:8) … and Peter quotes from

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