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Creative Musings from the Convent

Christmas 2023

Christmas musings: “Tell God I say ‘YES’ We have arrived at the Good News and the mystery of the Incarnation. Having pondered that Living Love, that ancient, hidden, promised love; that homeless, lowly, hungry love;

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Advent 4 Musings: O Ancient Love

Sister Doreen’s Reflections Advent Four Musings: What are we waiting for O Ancient Love? In the new Hymn book published by the Anglican Church of Canada called “Sing a New Creation” there is a hymn

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Advent 3 Musings: O Ancient Love

Sister Doreen’s Reflections Advent Three Musings: What are we waiting for O Ancient Love? In the new Hymn book published by the Anglican Church of Canada called “Sing a New Creation” there is a hymn

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Advent 2 Musings: O Ancient Love

Sister Doreen’s Reflections Advent Two Musings: What are we waiting for O Ancient Love? In the new Hymn book published by the Anglican Church of Canada called “Sing a New Creation” there is a hymn

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Advent 1 Musings: O Ancient Love

Sister Doreen’s Reflections Advent One Musings: What are we waiting for O Ancient Love? In the new Hymn book published by the Anglican Church of Canada called “Sing a New Creation” there is a hymn

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Clouds Come Floating

Sister Doreen’s Reflections “Clouds come floating into my life, no longer to carry rain or usher storm, but to add colour to my sunset sky.” (Rabindranath Tagore) Tagore’s quote gave me pause to think that

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In Remembrance

Sister Doreen’s Reflections God’s Call to Live in Remembrance. Musing today about remembrance and remembering, I called to mind two quotes that began to give me food for thought. One was by Desmond Tutu who

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Finding Your Internal Anchor

Sister Doreen’s Reflections “Feelings come and go like clouds in a windy sky. Conscious breathing is my anchor.” (Thich Nhat Hanh) One of the landmarks I have on my spiritual journey that I have posted

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End of October Musings

Sister Doreen’s Reflections October is moving into November. October is nearly over, a month full of holidays and celebrations, of days and nights ushering in cooler days and nights, almost a pause before we begin

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Week of Prayer for World Peace

Sister Doreen’s Reflections This year the week of prayer for world peace was from Sunday October 15 to Sunday October 22, and it has been an opportunity for reflection on our global world community and

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