Tree of Life – Living Water of Salvation
By Sr. Doreen, SSJD Living Water of salvation, be the fountain of each soul;Springing up in new creation, flow in us and make us whole, flow in us and make
By Sr. Doreen, SSJD Living Water of salvation, be the fountain of each soul;Springing up in new creation, flow in us and make us whole, flow in us and make
By Archbishop Fred Hiltz Christ Crucified (c 1632) by Diego Velazquez Reflecting on the Gospel appointed for today, I found myself reaching for a book titled I Have Called You
By Sr. Doreen, SSJD taken from Deposit Photos In our call to be a blessing, may we be a blessing true;May we live and die confessing Christ as Lord of
by Sr. Doreen, SSJD From the dawning of creation, you have loved us as your own,Stay with us through all temptation, make us turn to you alone, make us turn
By Sr. Doreen, SSJD The Canadian Anglican Church Calendar quote for March: “Come let us go up to the mountain of the Lord, to the house of the God of
“Etty” is a one-woman play based on the true story of Etty Hillesum’s personal diaries during WWII and her imprisonment at Westerbork concentration camp.
The play asks the audience to join the conversation, fostering dialogue on human rights, resistance, and personal responsibility.
All retreats and quiet days at Saint John’s Convent take place in the milieu of a contemporary monastic community which has a daily rhythm of prayer. All guests are invited to take part in the daily Eucharist, and those staying overnight may like to join us in the Divine Office (Morning Prayer, Evening Prayer, and Compline).