Do you enjoy Sister Doreen’s Weekly Creative Musings from the Convent Reflections?
Take them home with you to return to again and again!
These books contain weekly reflections by Sr. Doreen and are compiled into three volumes. Volume One spans the first year of her reflections. Volume Two, the second year and Volume Three, the third year. Each book is sold separately.
How can I get my copy?
Copies are available in the Book Room at the Convent, or you can order them from the Convent using the order form below and we will mail them to you.
Mailing Costs:
One book $25 + $10 postage
Two books $50 + $20 postage
Three books $75 + $20 postage
Four Books $100 + $20 postage
Books are mailed in either a manila envelope or a flat-rate box. An order of 1 book is mailed in an envelope. Orders of 2- 4 books are mailed in a flat-rate box.
To place an order by cheque, make cheques out to the Sisterhood of St. John the Divine and add “Creative Musings From The Convent Books” in the memo line. Please include a paper with your address, how many and which volume of the books you would like to purchase. Address the envelope to Attn: Guest House.