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Creative Musings from the Convent

Thanksgiving- Harvest Time

Sister Doreen’s Reflections When the year reaches the beginning of October, we begin to feel a sense of completion and accomplishment, it is harvest-time. Words like readiness, maturity, nourishment – everything is ripe and ready

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The Angel of Laodicea

Sister Doreen’s Reflections The Angel of Laodicea to the Church (Revelation 3: 14-22) The angel of Laodicea who is a faithful and true witness of God holds out a challenge and a gift that call

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The Angel of Philadelphia

Sister Doreen’s Reflections The Angel of Philadelphia to the church (Revelation 3: 7-13) The angel of Philadelphia who holds the Key of David, who opens, and no one shuts, who shuts and no one opens

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The Angel of Sardis to the Church

Sister Doreen’s Reflections The Angel of Sardis to the Church (Revelation 3: 1-8) The angel of Sardis who sees right through our lives and our works holds out a challenge of growing in attentiveness and

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The Angel of Thyatira to the Church

Sister Doreen’s Reflections The Angel of Thyatira to the Church (Revelation 2: 18-29) The angel of Thyatira who speaks with eyes of fire and feet of bronze holds out a challenge about gentleness and mindfulness,

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The Angel of Pergamum to the Church

Sister Doreen’s Reflections The Angel of Pergamum to the Church (Revelation 2: 12-17) The angel of Pergamum who speaks with a sharp-biting sword holds out the challenge of faithfulness and the gift of patience and

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The Angel of Ephesus To The Church

Sister Doreen’s Reflections The Angel of Ephesus to the church(Revelation 2: 1-7) The angel of Ephesus who speaks words of affirmation and encouragement and holds out the challenge of learning to live in the present,

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Canticles and St. Clare

Sister Doreen’s Reflections A sharing of one of my favorite Canticles attributed to St Clare of Assisi. Some years ago, we were introduced by Brother Robert of the Society of St. Frances to the beautiful

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