Isaiah 29:17-24
Psalm 27: 1-6, 17-18
Matthew 9: 27-31
When I was in grade 5, I visited my grandmother and attended church with her. That afternoon, she became an “optician” and reported to my mother: “This child cannot see the hymn board!” Shortly afterward, I got my first pair of glasses! I still remember seeing distinct leaves on trees! They were bright autumn leaves and they were beautiful. My senses were awakened. So, too, were the senses of the blind men who were healed by Jesus as told in Matthew. Although Jesus told the two not to tell others, they spread Jesus’ fame through the district. Their lives were changed and they left “gloom and darkness behind,” as foretold in Isaiah.
Awake my soul, and with the sun, thy daily stage of duty run;
Shake off dull sloth, and joyful rise to pay thy morning sacrifice.
Thomas Ken Common Praise – Hymn #9
As a teen, I was fortunate to sing in a youth church choir. The choirmaster spent time discussing the meaning of the hymns so that we could sing with understanding – often the words got more attention than the music. The hymn verse above could be an Advent meditation. What will awaken us? What is our stage of duty? What sloth holds us down? What gives us joy? Will we share that joy with others? And, how will we spread Jesus’ fame throughout our districts?
Martha Bartlett