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Sunday , December 24, 2023
2 Samuel 7: 8–16 Psalm 89: 1–4, 19–24 Romans 16: 25–27 Luke 1: 26-38 The four readings for Christmas Eve bring us a very strong

Saturday , December 23, 2023
Malachi 3: 1-5 Psalm 25: 1-14 Luke 1: 57-66 The message in Luke 1: 57-66 reminds me of a clay bowl filled with petite, colourful

Friday , December 22, 2023
National Gallery of Art. Leaf from a Choir Book (Antiphonary) 1450 1 Samuel 1: 19-28 Psalm 122 Luke 1:46-56 1 Samuel 1 and Luke 1

Thursday , December 21, 2023
Psalm 33: 1-5, 20-22 Song of Songs 2: 8-14 Luke 1: 39-45 These readings are about praise and rejoicing, trusting in God’s love and mercy.

Wednesday , December 20, 2023
Isaiah 7:10-14 Psalm 24 Luke 1:26-38 Reflecting on Psalm 24 in the light of this year’s theme, ‘Waiting in Hope’, I find myself humbly questioning

Monday , December 18, 2023
James Tissot (Nantes, France, 1836–1902, Chenecey-Buillon, France). Portrait of Zacharias and Elizabeth Jeremiah 23: 5-8 Psalm 72: 11-1 Matthew 1:18-25 The gospel of Matthew harkens here

Sunday , December 17, 2023
MagnificatSt Mary Magdalene Church Trimdon Village Bridget Jones design Isaiah 61: 1-4, 8-11 Canticle 18, The Song of Mary* 1 Thessalonians 5: 16-24John 1: 6-8,19-28

Saturday , December 16, 2023
MIGUEL ADÁNWood relief, polychromed and gilded 1530-1600 Sirach 48:1-11 Psalm 80:1-3, 14-18 Matthew 17:9-13 In the reading from Matthew’s gospel, the disciples and Jesus have just shared

Friday , December 15, 2023
Panel depicting two angels in a scene from the Nativity; possibly from the Infancy of Christ window in the Cathedral of Notre-Dame in Clermont-Ferrand, France.

Thursday , December 14, 2023
Velino Shije Herrera, Story Teller, ca. 1925-1935, gouache and pencil on paperboard, sheet: 10 x 15 in. (25.6 x 38.2 cm), Smithsonian American Art Museum Isaiah 41:13-20 Psalm 145:1-4, 8-13 Matthew 11:7-15 How

Tuesday , December 12, 2023
Isaiah 40: 1-11 Psalm 96 Matthew 18:12-14 Lately, when I wake in the night, I have been going back to sleep listening to the words

Monday, December 11, 2023
Isaiah 35:1-10 Psalm 85:8-13 Luke 5:17-26 Continuing our journey through the Advent season, our hearts yearn for peace and are filled with hope. Isaiah reminds

Sunday, December 10, 2023
Mosaic from the arch of an Arian Baptistry. End of the fifth century. Ravenna, Isaiah 40:1-11 Psalm 85:8-13 2 Peter 3:8-15a Mark 1:1-8 Travelling around

Saturday, December 9, 2023
Dum Spiro/ While I Breathe, I Hope Seeking the Dove David W. Opheim Isaiah 30:19-21, 23-26 Psalm 14, 7:1-12 Matthew 9:35-10:1,5-8

Friday, December 8, 2023
From a Book of HoursFlemish (Liege), c. 1250-1300The Hague, Koninklijk BibliotheekMS KB 76 G 17, fol. 20v Isaiah 29:17-24 Psalm 27:1-6,17-18 Matthew 9:27-31 We are all

Thursday , December 7, 2023
St Julian, Norwich, Stained Glass King & Son at St Thomas, Norwich Isaiah 26: 1-6 Psalm 118: 19 – 24 Matthew 7:15 -27 Sharing about

Wednesday, December 6, 2023
The Good Shepherd Mosaic 1859-1900 (made), 5th century (made) Victoria and Albert Museum Isaiah 25: 6-9 Psalm 23 Matthew 15: 29-39 It’s hard to pray

Tuesday, December 5, 2023
Virgin and Child with a Dragonfly/Master of Saint Giles Netherlandish/French Isaiah 11:1-10 Psalm 72:1-8 Luke 10:21-24 Last week, while riding a bus to the library, I

Monday, December 4, 2023
Isaiah 5: 1-5 Psalm 122 Matthew 8: 5-1 This is the beginning of the Advent Season when we resolve to bear witness to God’s peace

Sunday, December 3 2023
Sunday, December 3, 2023 Isaiah 63:16-64:8 Psalm 80:1-7,1 Corinthians 1:3-9Mark 13:32-37 ‘O God of peace, who taught us that in returning and rest we shall

Saturday , December 24, 2022
Saturday , December 24, 20222 Samuel 7:1-16 Psalm 89:1-4, 19-29 Luke 1:67-79 Christmas eve! Is this a day in which you will be able to

Friday , December 23, 2022
Friday, December 23, 2022 Malachi 3:1-5 Psalm 25:1-14 Luke 1:57-66 “And his name shall be John.” Elizabeth and Zechariah were ecstatic. They were having a

Thursday , December 22, 2022
Thursday, December 22, 2022 1 Samuel 1:19-28 Psalm 122 Luke 1:57-66 In 1 Samuel, Hannah’s love for God is so great that she can let

Tuesday, December 20, 2022
Tuesday, December 20, 2022 Isaiah 7:10-14 Psalm 24 Luke 1:26-38 The first few chapters of the gospel of Luke are filled with stories of “holy