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Homilies Blog

Homily for St. John’s Day.

By Sr. Doreen, SSJD. Sirach 15:1-6 Psalm 92 1 John 1:1-9 John 21:19-24 We celebrate the Feast of St. John twice – once now during Christmastide and once again in May. It is an important

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Christmas Day Homily

 By Sr. Constance Joanna, SSJD Isaiah 52:7-10    / Psalm 98 / Hebrews 1:1-12     / John 1:1-14 Some of you will know of the Christmas Truce that took place between the allied forces and the German army in

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Making Room

By the Most Reverend Fred Hiltz In the last few days I have made room in my study for the Christmas crèche. Making room simply means clearing the top of an old dresser cabinet. The

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St. John’s Day Reflection

By Rev. Joanne Davies, SSJD Oblate. St. John’s Day Reflection ** In the beginning before light and dark, sea and sky. Before embodiment. There was and is forever love, patient, kind, before, now, then and

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As I Have Loved You

By Rev. David Brinton. John 13. 31-35 “When he had gone out.”  What a curious way to begin a liturgical gospel.  “When he had gone out.”  The “he” of course is Judas, and the place

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