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Homilies Blog

A Sermon for St. Stephen’s Day

By the Rev. Stephen Kern. It is a privilege and a joy to be with you as we celebrate St. Stephen, my namesake, thank you. I can still remember learning about St. Stephen’s martyrdom in

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Easter Homily

By the Rev. David Brinton The night just past is the night which made us Christians, the night of our deliverance,  and the dawn which we now greet is the dawn of our eternal hope.

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Good Friday Homily

By the Rev David Brinton. The Alsatian city of Colmar in France near the German border is home to the Isenheim Altar piece, regarded by many as the most moving depiction of the crucifixion ever

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Maundy Thursday 

By the Rev. David Brinton. Exodus 12:1-14; 1 Corinthians 11:23-26; John 13:1-17, 31b-35 Tonight our annual Passover begins, the great three days of the Christian year ending at Evening Prayer on Easter Day. If the

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Homily for Palm Sunday

By the Rev. David Brinton. Some years ago in the Cowley Fathers newsletter Martin Smith wrote about an archaeological discovery made in the Egyptian desert near the pyramids.  The archaeologists found a testimonial tablet, erected

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Once I Was Blind And Now I See.

By The Rev. David Brinton John 9:1-41 There is an almost eerie, solemn and even incantatory quality to this story of the man born blind, with its repetitions and the terse quality of the conversations,

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Fishers of Men.

Mt. 4:12-23, Is 9:1-4; 1 Cor 1:10-18 By Fr. David Brinton OGS. How many of you remember singing this in Sunday School? “I will make you fishers of men, fishers of men, fishers of men. 

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