Sister Doreen’s Reflections Sometime ago Sister Margaret Ruth, who is our librarian at the Convent, gave me a quote from a book she was reading that caused a smile and a chuckle at the profound
By the Rev. Joanne Davies, SSJD Oblate The days are evil … where is your joy? Can you find it within, to strengthen yourself, to redeem the day and to sit with God moment to
By the Rev. Joanne Davies, SSJD Oblate A woman clothed with the sun. One of my favourite places to “just be” is the Roman Catholic Cathedral in Los Angeles. Our Lady of the Angels. A
Sister Doreen’s Reflections One of the thoughts that came to mind to ponder when I thought about the remark ‘you got this’ was that it faces us with creative responsibility. We are not asked to
Sister Doreen’s Reflections “Life is short- make it sweet!” This is quite a popular saying, used in so many different contexts and when I came across it, I found myself thinking that it was also
Sister Doreen’s Reflections I began to wonder why I found that so often as we journey through life there were so many occasions when the most frequent response to situations was “I wish” … it
Sister Doreen’s Reflections The August Anglican Church of Canada Calendar scripture reflection “The Heavens declare the glory of God; the skies proclaim the work of his hands” (Psalm 19:1) I found myself thinking about De
Do you enjoy Sister Doreen’s Weekly Creative Musings from the Convent Reflections? Take them home with you to return to again and again! These books contain weekly reflections by Sr. Doreen and are compiled into
Sister Doreen’s Reflections When I began to think about this, I found myself looking at one of Terry Pratchett’s quotes (he is Sir Terry Pratchett, an English author, humorist, and satirist who died in 2015) he
Sister Doreen’s Reflections It was my morning coffee Splenda that again sparked my ponderings today with the message ‘the best way to get there is to start’. It was Walt Disney who said: “The way