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The Holy Innocents

Sister Doreen’s Reflections The stark reality of the slaughter of innocent young children to assuage the fears of that dark-hearted tyrant, Herod, is a sad counterpoint to the spirit of Christmas. We follow the alternate

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New Years 2024

As we look back on 2023 and the turbulent times we have lived through weather-wise with fires, excessive heat, drought and floods, the continuing horrors of war, homelessness, food insecurity and unrest, we also have

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Guest House Closure Information

As of January 2nd, 2024, the Guest House will be closed for all overnight retreats until the Guest House renovations are completed in 2025. We will periodically provide updates on the progress of the renovations.

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Sunday , December 24, 2023

2 Samuel 7: 8–16 Psalm 89: 1–4, 19–24 Romans 16: 25–27 Luke 1: 26-38 The four readings for Christmas Eve bring us a very strong message. In three of the passages, the words eternal, forever,

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Christmas 2023

Christmas musings: “Tell God I say ‘YES’ We have arrived at the Good News and the mystery of the Incarnation. Having pondered that Living Love, that ancient, hidden, promised love; that homeless, lowly, hungry love;

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Saturday , December 23, 2023

Malachi 3: 1-5 Psalm 25: 1-14 Luke 1: 57-66 The message in Luke 1: 57-66 reminds me of a clay bowl filled with petite, colourful flowers. One of the flowers in the bowl appears to

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Christmastide 2023 Services – Please join us!

Saturday December 23

5:00 pm  Evening Prayer/Compline

Sunday December 24 – Advent 4/Christmas Eve

8:00 am  Eucharist

5:00 pm  Christmas Evening Prayer with Compline

Monday December 25 – Christmas Day

8:30 am  Christmas Festal Morning Prayer with the Blessing of the Crib

12:30 pm  Festal Christmas Eucharist

5:30 pm  Christmas Evensong

Wednesday December 27 – St. John’s Day (Patronal Festival)

12:00 pm  Festal Eucharist for St. John’s Day, followed by Talking Dinner (Registration required – please RSVP with

Sunday December 31 – First Sunday After Christmas / New Year’s Eve

8:00 am  Holy Eucharist

12:15 pm – Mid-day Office

6:30 pm – New Year’s Eve Vigil

Monday January 1, 2024 – Naming of Jesus & New Year’s Day

8:30 am  Morning Prayer

12:00 pm  Eucharist

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Friday , December 22, 2023

National Gallery of Art. Leaf from a Choir Book (Antiphonary) 1450 1 Samuel 1: 19-28 Psalm 122 Luke 1:46-56 1 Samuel 1 and Luke 1 both speak about the praise given and the faith kept

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