As warm sunny days begin to cool and leaves rustle and crunch; as we exchange t-shirts for sweaters and curl around mugs of hot tea, my mind turns to our Companions and the transitions they
Do you have prayer requests that you would like to share with the Sisters? United with you in prayer, the Sisters will remember your intentions in a special way for a week during their daily
With great joy, the Sisters invite you to share in Sr. Amy Joy’s Life Profession.
The Sisters invite you to join them via livestream for Sr. Sue’s funeral.
It is with deep sadness that we share with you that our dear Sr. Sue Elwyn, SSJD passed away early this morning.
Are you seeking greater freedom and depth of homecoming in your spiritual journey? Max Woolaver leads a retreat on one of Spain’s greatest spiritual poets- St. John of the Cross. Consider joining the conversation!
Sr. Doreen invites you to join with her as she reflects on Psalm 67!
By Sr. Doreen, SSJD. Isaiah 7:10-15; psalm 132: 6-10, 13-14; Gal 4:4-7; Luke 1: 46-55 Mary is the favored one, the beloved in whom God is well pleased – and the one saint that has
By Sr. Elizabeth Ann, SSJD. Jer 26:1-9(10-11)12-15 Ps 31 Acts 6.8 – 7.2a, 51c – 60 Matthew 23. 34-39 Even though initially I was drawn to the fact that the Church moved the feast of