We appreciate your consideration in supporting our ministry through a financial donation.
Your generosity can make a significant impact.
Thank you for your support.
We kindly invite you to support our Capital Campaign, “A Home For The Heart.”
* Please indicate in the memo/message line where you wish your donation to be designated.
1. E-transfer.
Please email e-transfers to accounting@ssjd.ca and include your address, phone number and email address if you wish a receipt.
2. PayPal, Credit or Debit Cards.
Use “PayPal” button below for:
-one-time or regular donations
-includes an Admin Fee
Use “PayPal Giving Fund” below for:
-one-time donations
-no Admin fee
3. Cheque.
Please make it payable to The Sisterhood of Saint John the Divine.
4. Donor Remittance Envelope.
If you receive our newsletter The Eagle in the mail, simply fill out the form that is included with every issue and mail it to us.
5. Preauthorized Remittance (PAR).
If you would like to support us monthly, consider using this option.
Download the form or email the Fundraising Office at fundraising@ssjd.ca to request the form necessary to enroll.
6. Canada Helps.
*Please know Canada Helps charges a service fee *
7. Gift of Securities, transfer of Shares or other Planned Giving Options.
Please email the Fundraising Office at fundraising@ssjd.ca
8. Your Will. Please consider remembering the Sisterhood of St. John the Divine in your will or naming the Sisterhood as the beneficiary of your insurance policy.
Please note: Gifts of $10 or more will be receipted. Use of funds is confined to approved programs and projects. Each restricted contribution towards a program or project will be used as designated with the understanding that when there is no longer a need for funding for the program or project, or when the project cannot be completed for any reason determined by the Sisterhood’s Board of Directors, the restricted contributions will be used where needed most.

The Sisterhood of St. John the Divine is a registered charity. Our charitable donation number is BN11925 4266 RR0001