Residential Programs

Companions Program

Are you contemplating next steps on your journey? Do you want to experience life in community, learn more about prayer, serve others, and take monastic values out into the world?

Join the Sisters of Saint John the Divine for an 11-month adventure as we follow Jesus on the road of prayer, community, learning, service, and creative enjoyment.

Women at a Crossroads

A program that helps women discern where God may be calling them, through engaging in classes and discussions about Christian life and vocation, receiving personal guidance in deepening their prayer life and sharing the life of a Christian community committed to a balanced life of prayer, service, study, rest, and recreation.

Personal Retreats and Sabbaticals

Come away for rest, refreshment, and renewal. Come with an open heart. Come abide in the silence to listen for the whisper of God in your life. Leave with the abundance of God’s blessings.

Spend as much time as you like in a private retreat or simply enjoying some peace and quiet, fellowship, and the liturgies of the community.