Sister Doreen’s Reflections I looked at this icon a long time, as today is the Feast of St. Peter and St. Paul, two mighty saints celebrated together. Two very different saints, different in personality and
Sister Doreen’s Reflections How are you preparing a home of unconditional acceptance for yourself? In one of Richard Rohr’s daily medications there was a quoted question by Felicia Murrell that is the title of this
Sister Doreen’s Reflections One of the smiling discoveries of some profound encouragement for reflection has been the little packages of Splenda … and the message written on the backside of the package. Today as I
Sister Doreen’s Reflections “Only the hand that erases can write the true thing.” (Meister Eckhart) I began to read Dag Hammarskjold’s book called “Markings” again after a long time had passed since my first reading
By the Rev. David Brinton Many years ago, for a period of time, I met regularly with Mary to talk about her life, what she was reading, what and how she was praying. A recurring
By the Rev. Simon Li Luke 1:39-57 Since the start of the pandemic, our Parish of St. John Willowdale has had, similar to many parishes, quite a number of deaths, which is sad. Also in
Sister Doreen’s Reflections The Anglican Church Calendar scripture quote for June: “Open your eyes and there it is! By taking a long and thoughtful look at what God has created, people have always been able
By Pastor Elaine Boone, Advent Lutheran Church, Toronto “May the words from my lips and the meditations of our hearts always be pleasing to you O God.” Trinity Sunday has been celebrated since the 10th
May Anglican Church Calendar theme “All Things Created” reflection. The Message translation of the month of May Church Calendar scripture theme: John 1:3 “Everything was created through God: nothing – not one thing! – came
Sister Doreen’s Reflections Jesus said;: “And when the Holy Spirit comes on you, you will be able to be my witnesses … to the ends of the world.” (Acts 1:8) … and Peter quotes from