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Guesthouse Admin Assistant

A Noble and Good Heart

Sister Doreen’s Reflections The September Anglican Church of Canada Calendar scripture reflection is “But the seed on good soil stands for those with a noble and good heart, who hear the word, retain it, and

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The Real Art of Conversation

Sister Doreen’s Reflections Sometime ago Sister Margaret Ruth, who is our librarian at the Convent, gave me a quote from a book she was reading that caused a smile and a chuckle at the profound

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How Can I Keep From Singing?

The days are evil … where is your joy? Can you find it within, to strengthen yourself, to redeem the day and to sit with God moment to moment? As it is often said….Is there

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You Got This! Be Your Best Today!

Sister Doreen’s Reflections One of the thoughts that came to mind to ponder when I thought about the remark ‘you got this’ was that it faces us with creative responsibility. We are not asked to

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Life is Short – Make It Sweet!

Sister Doreen’s Reflections “Life is short- make it sweet!” This is quite a popular saying, used in so many different contexts and when I came across it, I found myself thinking that it was also

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Glory! Glory! Glory!

Sister Doreen’s Reflections The August Anglican Church of Canada Calendar scripture reflection “The Heavens declare the glory of God; the skies proclaim the work of his hands” (Psalm 19:1) I found myself thinking about De

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