Does Church need to change to keep young people interested? I hesitate to answer this question hastily. In fact, it very well may be the wrong question to ask. Several months ago, popular Episcopalian blogger
The Lord is my Light The poem below by Sister Sue Elwyn is an eloquent commentary on the previous post, “When Morning Gilds the Skies.” Photo by Sister Elizabeth Rolfe-Thomas. The Lord is my Light! Faint
This is a revised version of the blog posted about 45 minutes ago (10:15 am). I go walking early in the morning before the breaking of the dawn. At this time of year it is
On January 6 we celebrated the Feast of the Epiphany, and entered a season of the church year that encourages us to travel, like the wise men who sought the child Jesus, on a road
I recently learned of the beautiful Spanish tradition of posada (a Spanish word that means “inn” or “hotel”), in which children dressed as Mary and Joseph go from house to house during Advent inviting their