About Us

The Sisterhood of Saint John the Divine is a contemporary expression of the religious life for women within the Anglican Church of Canada. We were founded in Toronto in 1884. A brief history of our ministry can be found here at Saint John’s Convent. Our Mother House is in Toronto.

We are a prayer- and gospel-centred monastic community, bound together by the call to a vowed life in intentional community. Nurtured by our founding vision of prayer, community and service, we are open and responsive to the needs of the Church and the contemporary world, continually seeking the guidance of the Holy Spirit in our life and ministry.

Called to be a sign of Christ, the Sisterhood witnesses to the power of his reconciling and forgiving love through the gospel imperatives of:

  • prayer
  • spiritual guidance
  • ministering to those in need
  • working for justice and peace
  • reverence for the whole creation
  • hospitality
  • promoting unity, healing, and wholeness

Through our prayer and spirituality, outreach to others, pastoral and spiritual care, community life and stewardship we are celebrating nearly 141 years of Prayer, Love and Service.