By the Rev’d Dr. GailMarie Henderson.
Lord, may only the truth be spoken here and may only the truth be received. Amen
Mary conceived ….. gave birth ….. and raised Jesus to manhood….. then stood at the foot of the cross weeping with a broken heart,
But ….. Mary’s tears of sorrow, were also the birthing water of a new age.
Mary gazed upon Jesus’ body, with waiting,……. attending………. reverence.
Her gaze….. doing more than just ……..waiting for death.
Mary’s gaze of unconditional, surrendering love created space for God to move once again
Just as her womb created space for God to live and grow and come among us in Jesus.
Today….. Mary’s gaze continues to reverently attend to Christ’s body, the church, as we labour towards all God summons… the church and us to become.
In the name of the Father, the Son, and Holy Spirit. Amen.