Thursday, December 9, 2021

Isaiah 41: 13-20
Psalm 145: 1-4, 8-13
Matthew 11: 7-15

As we approach the season of Advent, we are invited to reflect upon how it is that God listens to us.

As I write this reflection, we have just completed 18 months of a world-wide pandemic.  Here in Manitoba, we have just begun reopening.  The congregation where I serve as pastor has just had its first in-person worship service in over a year.  We were able to open while maintaining an on-line service.  The pandemic is not yet over.  Although we have been very cautious in this province, we have been assured that we will feel the influence of yet another 4th wave.  God is listening to our prayers, even as we strive to listen to the voice of God.  

Each year around this time I talk about listening again for the voice of God.  Perhaps this year more than others I have come to understand that this listening, ought not only to be seasonal, but daily.  It is daily that God speaks to us words of assurance.  It is daily, that our loving creator takes our hands in support with love.  Thanks be to God.

Let us pray.  God speak to us and through us.  As your servants help us to listen for your voice.  Amen.

Debra Johnston