Stained Glass Panel with the Visitation, Metropolitan Museum of Art
Zephaniah 3:14-18a
Psalm 33:1-5, 20-22
Luke 1:39-45
We have journeyed through Advent to this day. Tomorrow is the fourth Sunday of Advent. In our Gospel reading today, Mary has already said YES to God’s message from the Angel Gabriel and has heard that her cousin Elizabeth has also conceived a son in her old age. Mary set out and went in haste to Elizabeth’s home with faith and compassion to assist her in her pregnancy. The journey is dangerous and probably would take up to four days, probably a time of silence pondering the new beginnings in her life and that of Elizabeth. Can we wait in silence for the next four days?
Mary carried Jesus, whether she was a few days or weeks pregnant during her greeting to Elizabeth, and both were greeted with joy and the Holy Spirit. Elizabeth recognized Mary as the Mother of the Messiah, the Lord. We are called to be a presence of Jesus in our communities and to carry forward Jesus’ words and love. Is the Light of Christ shining through us these days??
And Mary was blessed because she believed. We can learn much from Mary. She was humble and not self-seeking. She trusted fully in God on this New expectant journey. We are also on an expectant, waiting journey to celebrate both the Nativity at Christmas, and the return of the second coming. Can we learn to wait in silence and ponder as Mary did?
– Julie Foster