Isaiah 7:10-14
Psalm 24
Luke 1:26-28
This year’s theme, ‘Waiting in Silence’, is reflected well in the readings for this day.
Although it is not connected specifically with Christmas and the birth of our Lord Jesus Christ, Psalm 24, entitled, Entrance into the Temple (NRSV), describes a beautiful preparation for our own worship, as we prepare in silence at the beginning of our church service.
The first three verses remind us that the Lord created the earth, the seas and the rivers, the world and those who live in it, and that He is still fully in charge!
The fourth to the sixth verses describe the blessing given to us as we quietly sit down and prepare ourselves before the worship begins with “clean hands, pure hearts” and our souls uplifted in faith as our worship begins.
When the procession starts and the cross is held high, as the seventh to the tenth verses proclaim in many different ways, the strength, the presence and the power of the Lord has arrived. The King of glory has entered in and is truly present with us!
– Gail Holland