Judges 13:2-7, 24-25
Psalm 71:1-8
Luke 1:5-25
We move along in our celebration of Advent – a rejoicing and remembering of God’s coming in human form to our world. It is Advent spelled with a capital ‘A’ – a long promised coming – one full of joy, hope, and fulfillment.
Today’s readings fill out this single Advent event, creating a wider picture of the God who comes. Sampson arrives, the miracle babe of an unnamed mother, and will end the Philistine oppression of the Israelites. The Psalmist prays to God for lifelong protection from his enemies and at the same time, expresses praise for the previous comings of God in his life. John the Baptist, another miracle baby, comes ahead to prepare the way for Jesus — a coming to teach the necessity of repentance, and forgiveness.
These readings illustrate a plan, a timing, and always, the deep blessing in God’s comings to us, whether individual or collective. I like to think of it as God’s math. Our Advent with the capital ‘A’ has countless advents before it, around it, and continuing long after it.
When I read further in Judges, Manoah, Sampson’s father, asks his visitor’s name so that he might give honor. The angel replies, “Why do you ask my name? It is too wonderful.” So, Manoah takes the goat kid with the grain offering and offers it on the rock to the Lord — to Him who works wonders.
– Joy Alloway