Isaiah 5: 1-5
Psalm 122
Matthew 8: 5-1
This is the beginning of the Advent Season when we resolve to bear witness to God’s peace that passes all understanding. It is the time when we wait with joyful anticipation for the coming of a Saviour who will help us overcome the human-made storms and wars of life as well as the personal problems that cause us so much heartache. We know that the Lord loves us and forgives us always. We pray that He will turn our feet in the right direction and always help us to seek the path of righteousness and understanding.
This message of HOPE is summed up in a hymn we sing in our churches:
O God, our help in ages past,
Our hope for years to come
Our shelter from the stormy blast
And our eternal home.
The prophet, Isaiah, also gives us words of comfort in chapter 2 verse 4 in which all humanity will live in peace.
They shall beat their swords into plowshares,
And their spears into pruning hooks;
Nation shall not lift up sword against nation,
Neither shall they learn war any more.
Lynne van der Hiel
Retreat Format: In-Person
Date: December 23-26, 2023
Registration Fee: $300 ($50 Deposit)
Registration Deadline: December 16, 2023
The music of Christmas expresses our heartfelt vision of God coming into our world, and our deep human longing for peace even as wear seems to overcome our world.
Sr. Constance Joanna Gefvert, SSJD, will be our guide as we listen to some of the most beloved Christmas carols and anthems sung by choirs both near and far, meditate on their words, and reflect on their scriptural sources to see how they can help us “pray twice” for the healing of our world. Participants will join the sisters in the joyful liturgies and celebrations of a Convent Christmas.
Arrival Time: 2-4pm Saturday, December 23
Departure Time: After breakfast Tuesday, December 26
Click HERE to register.