Friday, December 16, 2022
Isaiah 56:1-8
Psalm 67
John 5:33-36
The theme that springs to mind through these three readings is that of following God faithfully, despite what others think, suggest, or do. In the reading from Isaiah, it is clear that whoever joins with God and does justice and not evil is an honored child of God and will live in grace (and glory), no matter if they are a stranger or already known to God. In the Psalm, we are to praise, sing, and live in the way of God, and in the Gospel, we are to bear witness beyond a season to the Light.
And if we do this, what will happen? We are named, known, preserved, and joined to dwell in the house of God. The earth yields forth goodness, and on the holy mountain, we share in a joyous house of prayer for all people.
Here, also, are cautions of what it is to be separated from the Way – pollution, dryness, being cut off, and not being sustainable. According to the Word, Jesus came to complete the works of God and to share the Way in wholeness with us. We have a Way, a path to follow that will assure, comfort, and lead us to righteousness. Listening for and following God’s ways brings us home. Amen.
Maggie Grace Moore