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Friday, December 24, 2021

Friday, December 24, 2021

2 Samuel 7:1-16; 
Psalm 89:1-4, 19-29;
Luke 1:67-79

On Christmas Eve, it seems strange that the readings do not reflect preparation for the miracle of Christmas.  Or so it seems?  What is God inviting me to hear, see, and feel at this time?

God is calling me to fearless obedience to my Creator – to Divine Listening.

My Creator is confirming that LOVE is going to be established as promised to our ancestors Abraham and David.  God alone will establish this house of LOVE. 

Luke 1: 67-79 is the Song of Zachariah: a father’s song of pride and praise for his beloved son, John the Baptist, who is to prepare the way of LOVE, REPENTANCE and SALVATION for the Promised One.  My Beloved is forgiving and merciful, and brings the Rising Sun to visit me, to give light to me in my darkness and shadow of death, to guide my feet in the way of LOVE and PEACE!

My Creator, Zachariah, and John the Baptist are inviting me to clean my inner house — to change my heart of stone into a heart of flesh where LOVE can reside to teach me to reach out to others in tenderness, compassion, and love.  Am I ready for Christ to be born again into my heart?  Advent and especially Christmas Eve remind me to listen with Hope, Peace, Joy and Love – to remember to give and receive in Love and Gratitude.

Sr. Dorothy Handrigan, SSJD


Do you have prayer requests that you would like to share with the Sisters?

The Sisters will remember your intentions in a special way for a week during their daily worship.

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