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Sunday, December 19, 2021

Boucicaut Master – Leaves from a Book of Hours- The Visitation

Sunday, December 19, 2021

Micha 5: 2-5a,
Luke 1: 39-45, 47-55,
Hebrews 10:5-10

Mary’s visit to Elizabeth’s home (Luke 1: 39-45) could only be described as divine because of the circumstances that occurred at both their homes. Firstly, Elizabeth’s husband, Zechariah, was told by an Angel that Elizabeth, his barren wife, would bear a son. Secondly, Mary was visited by the Angel Gabriel, who told her the Good News that she was chosen by God to be the mother of His son, and that she was to name him Jesus. Both these visitations created pure moments of love between Mary and Elizabeth, who accepted and trusted these divine moments. Mary and Elizabeth’s desire to carry out God’s commands was filled with great love and gratitude for being chosen by God.

As Elizabeth greeted Mary, the baby leapt in Elizabeth’s womb and she exclaimed, ‘Blessed are you among women, and blessed is the fruit of your womb’. What follows is Mary’s hymn of praise, or what is usually called the Magnificat, now sung throughout the world. For me, the Magnificat is a song of great salutation. It is also a song of love, and undoubtedly, a song of deep gratitude.

Mary’s story and that of the Nativity, portrayed by beautiful Christmas cards, create a listening ear for the good news of Christmas. Each year at this time, we reflect on the many people with whom we could share a greeting card, thereby returning an act of love and gratitude to God’s children near and far.

Beulah Walcott