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Wednesday, December 15, 2021

Isaiah 45: 5-8, 18-25
Psalm 85: 8-13
Luke 7:19-23

Psalm 85: 10   Grace and truth have met together; justice and peace have kissed each other. (Complete Jewish Bible)

This verse reminds me of Sister Nora who believed fervently that the psalms held answers for life’s problems and queries.

The sons of Korah speak prophetically about the end of the Babylonian exile, praying that the people would return and God‘s anger would be removed.  Justice and Peace kissing signify the spiritual union of God bowing down from heaven to meet earth and earth rejoicing up to God, foretelling the glory of salvation.

Through these Covid times I have found many moments of grace especially in the quiet stillness and isolation.  Here in BC the catchphrase became “Be kind.  Be calm.  Be safe.”  And people responded by being kinder, more respectful.  We found that by not driving, our earth was healing itself.  The curse of “on-line” became a blessing as we listened to the Dean of Canterbury, heard on-line lectures from faraway places, or attended concerts around the world.  And, we learned that church is not inside buildings, and it can be done differently!  

Now at the end of August, things are different.  There is a backlash against vaccinations & passports, masks, and travel restrictions.  We will only return from exile when we listen intently and respond to God’s call for justice for all people, creatures, and the earth.  We have been offered an opportunity to make a difference.  Listen carefully!

Doreen Davidson