Isaiah 25:6-9
Psalm 23
Matthew 15:29-39
Today’s readings are seeds of hope. Ruben Alvez states “Hope is hearing the melody of the future”. Isaiah prophesied that the veil of death will be swallowed up and the people. The Israelites or Jews, will know God is with them and they will rejoice. In the gospel passage, Jesus is introducing to the Gentiles and Disciples the coming of the “bread of life” or food for the soul. Whether the people understand what Jesus was doing or not, what is important is that they were present to the moment, their time with Jesus, and they were riveted by Jesus’s preaching, compassion and healing. Their response was joyous. A new future was unfolding for both Jews and Gentiles but living in the present is important to allow the future to unfold.
Both Jews and Gentiles received the seed of hope deep within their heart humming a tune that would give their life meaning, provide them energy and strength to believe and trust God is with them, arousing possibility for tomorrow in the confidence that goodness and mercy will follow them all days of their life. And so it is for us!
Can you hear the melody of hope in your heart?
Sr. Brenda Jenner, SSJD