Malachi 3:1-5
Psalm 25: 1-14
Luke 1: 57-66
Advent is a time of being still, of waiting, with anticipation and hope. In the book of Malachi, we learn to be patient and that we will have to endure a refining of our souls. This Covid year has taught us a lot about waiting and refining. During this pause in life we have had the chance to change, to become more appreciative of what we have and become better versions of ourselves. In Psalm 25 the writer tells us to take refuge in the Lord. That we can let go and put our trust in Him and everything will be okay. Doing this shows a great leap of faith and this is what God keeps asking us to do; to believe in His undying and everlasting love.
In the Gospel of Luke, he writes about Zechariah. Here was a man that had to be still, literally unable to speak, for nine months because he doubted the word of the Lord. Zechariah was humbled as he watched a barren wife ripen into pregnancy as for-told by the Lord. Witnessing the miracle of his child’s birth and uttering the ordained name, he was freed from his silence. How often do we see miracles before us but doubt in their possibility? Advent is a time of renewing our faith in God’s promise. The gift of His son to the whole world was the greatest miracle of all. It was His covenant of love.
Sharleen A. McCorrister