Judges 13:2-7, 24-25
Psalm 71:1-8
Luke 1:5-25
We always look for little signs of hope in our lives and when I was assigned readings regarding two older women who struggled to conceive, I wanted the coincidence to be great, especially since they both had special children and lived happily ever after. I have a niece who like Elizabeth is a woman of great faith. For several years now she and her husband have been trying to start a family. Unlike Elizabeth she has the benefit of modern medicine in addition to our prayers. The outcome is still in God’s hands.
On my bedroom wall, there is a print of a small child kneeling at the foot of her bed saying her prayers. Hanging on the wall of her room is a faded picture of Jesus surrounded by little children. This picture belonged to my mother and hung on her wall from the year of her birth in 1930 until 1948 (mother labelled everything.) At some point it was handed down to my sister and me but it ended up in my room. I’ve been saving it for my niece who may or may not be blessed with children of her own – she and my mother had a special bond. Right now, the only thing I know for sure is that whether the final place for my mother’s print is a nursery wall or a trunk full of family treasures, my niece will see Jesus in it and we will share a moment of love made greater because He is with us and that will be our happy ending.
Chris Hooker