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Thursday, December 10, 2020



Isaiah 41: 13-20    
Psalm 145: 1-4, 8-13   
Matthew 11:7-15

In the verses prior to our gospel reading, John, speaking from prison by way of his disciples, asked the question of Jesus, Are you the one to come, or are we to wait for another? Our reading today is Jesus’ response to that question.

Jesus began by asking the gathered disciples of John, “What did you go out into the wilderness to see?  A prophet? Yes, and more than a prophet. This is the one about whom it is written; ‘I will send my messenger ahead of you, who will prepare your way before you’.”Jesus explained to the disciples that John was the one who had come to prepare the way for him, the Messiah, the Christ.

John the Baptist is the one whom the prophet Isaiah was speaking of. He was the one sent by God to prepare the way for our Lord.  

As followers of Christ, in this world at this time, it is our calling to point as John did to our Lord, our Lord who is the one who brings light into darkness and hope into the wilderness parts of all our lives.  As we prepare our hearts again to receive the incarnate light of Christ and as we prepare in this season where the darkness of our world seems great and profound may we remember that what we prepare for has already come to pass.  The divine light is here.  No matter what, the darkness of our situations cannot overcome that light.  Be of good cheer and keep pointing to the light.

Let us pray.  Gracious Lord, we ask that you give us the courage of John to point to You as the light of our world.  Help us to do this especially from the wilderness places of our world, reminding all that we meet that it is your divine light that both shines within and overcomes all darkness.  Amen.     

Debra Johnston