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Wednesday, December 9, 2020



Isaiah 40: 25-31    
Psalm 103: 1-10    
Matthew 11: 28-30

2020, the year of the pandemic.  Terms like self-isolation, flatten the curve, quarantine, social distance and social bubbles became oft-used vocabulary.  2020, the year when more public consciousness was raised by the Black Lives Matter movement concerning historic, systemic, anti-black/brown racism. Terms like white privilege, white supremacy, police brutality and defund the police became further illuminated and defined.  2020, the year when technology became more widely used for keeping us ‘in touch’ and up to date with our colleagues, family, and friends (Zoom meetings!).  Information sources like social media spread good as well as bad information/disinformation. Conspiracy theories appeared to multiply. Watching the news became more unsettling. The need to take action became more urgent.

While many of us were in required self-isolation there was more time to think, reflect, stress and worry.  As the world appeared chaotic what became clear to many was what is important and basic to us as humans.  Time spent with those we love, food and shelter and healthcare (for everyone) and life-giving work were clearly realized by so many as the rights and essentials of our lives.  And so, too, are justice and peace.

2020. The readings assigned for this day startle us into recalling what we need to remember when the world (life) is unfair and appears hopeless.  God knows us and our longings! We are forgiven for our sins.  “Have you not known? Have you not heard? The Lord is the everlasting God…He gives power to the faint and strengthens the powerless.”  (Isaiah 40: 28, 29) 

We are encouraged to persevere in our hope for justice and peace in Psalm 103: 6: “The Lord works vindication and justice for all who are oppressed.” And we must use our God-given strengths and talents to assist/insist on change!  Amen.  

Lynne Samways-Hiltz