It is with deep sadness that we share the news that Sister Sue Elwyn died this morning at the age of 70 and in the 14th year of her Life Profession, after a long illness and complicated surgery. But we also rejoice with Sue that she is now in “that great space where even stars do hide their fire in your more brilliant glow,” to quote her own poetry. (See below.)
Sister Sue was born in Peekskill, New York. She had a PhD in classics and before entering the Sisterhood, she taught at Brigham Young University in Utah and later at West Nottingham Academy in Maryland. Sue was a poet, hymn writer, spiritual director, and retreat leader as well as a creative wood-worker, and lover of nature.
A private Requiem Eucharist for Sisters only will be held at St. John’s Convent on September 29, with Archbishop Linda Nicholls, Primate, presiding and The Rev. William Whitla the homilist. A memorial service will be held at a later date.
We offer our condolences to her three sisters, Katy, Rachel, and Laura and their families; and to all her friends in the USA and Canada. And we offer thanks to our Infirmary staff, to the doctors and other health care professionals who have cared for her over the past years of her illness, to her surgeon Dr. Marc de Perrot and the rest of the amazing, skillful, caring team at the Toronto General Hospital.
May she rest in peace and rise with Christ in Glory.
Below is a hymn that Sr. Sue wrote which is a paraphrase of the Song of Simeon. We rejoice in the gift of Sr. Sue’s life and thank God for the gift of creativity that God so powerfully gave her.